by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Aug 29, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Parliaments
The Hellenic OCR Team signs the London Declaration on Post-Legislative Scrutiny! According to the London Declaration on Post-Legislative Scrutiny (PLS): (it) aims at raising awareness about the role of parliaments in overseeing the implementation of legislation and...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Aug 28, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Technology, Τεχνολογία
The Hellenic OCR Team announces the finalization of the software development project Tool for Extracting Quantitative Text Profiles. The code was developed by Panagiotis Papantonakis for GSoC 2019. Project management was undertaken by Hellenic OCR Team members, so...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Apr 14, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Technology
The Hellenic OCR Team is a unique scientific crowdsourcing initiative for the processing and analysis of parliamentary data. Interested in our work? No need to read through papers and tons of related information. Watch our first teaser trailer and join our cause! This...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Feb 28, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Τεχνολογία
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. In Greece, the Open Technologies Alliance participates in GSOC 2019 with more than 25 open source projects. The Hellenic OCR Team has provided a...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Nov 8, 2018 | Announcement, Articles in English
The Hellenic OCR Team, a novel crowdsourcing initiative for the processing and analysis of parliamentary data, celebrates its first birthday. What started as a confined experiment within the Hellenic Parliament and Greece’s oldest academic institution, the National...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Nov 2, 2018 | Announcement, Articles in English, Τεχνολογία
The Patras Science Park, a prominent Technology Park in the Greek ecosystem of research, technology and innovation, and the Hellenic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Team, an innovative crowdsourcing platform for the processing and analysis of parliamentary data,...