The next milestone is reached: the Hellenic OCR Team is now 30 members strong! With the combined force of 28 experts and two institutional members, the Patras Science Park and the Hansard at Huddersfield project, our Team is more than ever in the position to tackle its goals.

The Hellenic OCR Team aims at processing and analysis of parliamentary data. Based on dedicated, volunteer action we conduct open science through crowdsourcing. For the moment, it has three main areas of scientific focus:

  • Parliamentary control open data
  • Linked Open Data (LOD) and
  • Legal informatics.

We strongly envisage the Digital Humanities 2020 conference in Ottawa as one of the next stages to present our activities.

You do not want to miss our updates. Make sure you visit the Hellenic OCR Team website and our LinkedIn page on a regular basis!


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