by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Feb 1, 2020 | Hellenic Parliament, Parliaments, Technology, Uncategorized, Άρθρα στα ελληνικά, Τεχνολογία
An interesting reportage by Marnie Papamattheou on the Hellenic OCR Team and our innovative crowd sourcing approach to parliamentary data appeared today February 1st, 2020, at the weekend edition of the newspaper “TA NEA”. Διαβάστε TA NEA ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΚΥΡΙΑΚΟ...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Aug 29, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Technology, Τεχνολογία
The Hellenic OCR Team participates in the Open Science working group, which constitutes an initiative of the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center. An introductory meeting of the major Greek science stakeholders took place on Monday, July 22 at Innovathens. The...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Aug 28, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Technology, Τεχνολογία
The Hellenic OCR Team announces the finalization of the software development project Tool for Extracting Quantitative Text Profiles. The code was developed by Panagiotis Papantonakis for GSoC 2019. Project management was undertaken by Hellenic OCR Team members, so...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Feb 28, 2019 | Announcement, Articles in English, Τεχνολογία
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. In Greece, the Open Technologies Alliance participates in GSOC 2019 with more than 25 open source projects. The Hellenic OCR Team has provided a...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Nov 2, 2018 | Announcement, Articles in English, Τεχνολογία
The Patras Science Park, a prominent Technology Park in the Greek ecosystem of research, technology and innovation, and the Hellenic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Team, an innovative crowdsourcing platform for the processing and analysis of parliamentary data,...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Aug 4, 2018 | Articles in English, Networking, Τεχνολογία
The Hellenic OCR Team has joined forces with Science View, the Hellenic Association of Science Journalists, Communicators and Writers, in order to reach out to a wider audience and potential new members. As a first step to foster cooperation, the Hellenic OCR team is...