Our May 2020 newsletter (#7) is finally there and includes major steps of our aggressive evolutionary process, such as ramping up software development, concluding parliamentary control sampling, initiation of cooperation with European Commission instances and partnerships with Hypernetica and Hansard at Huddersfield.

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In particular, the May 2020 Hellenic OCR Team newsletter mentions the following achievements:

  • Internal SW development section has been ramped up.
  • Cooperation with DG DIGIT (European Commission) on the development of LEOS – Legislation Editing Open Software app.
  • Sampling on parliamentary control from a 10-year period (four legislatures) has been concluded and is currently under evaluation.
  • The second anniversary meetup and the first developers forum have been organised.
  • The Hellenic OCR team has initiated cooperation with Hypernetica and Hansard at Huddersfield.
  • The Team produced and published a video to help fighting the corona virus while innovating.
  • An interview on our Team appeared at the Greek daily newspaper TA NEA.
  • Scientific contributions have been accepted at major conferences, DH2020/Ottawa and Middle East Conference/Doha.

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