by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Dec 20, 2022 | Hellenic OCR Team, Uncategorized, Άρθρα στα ελληνικά, Ελλάδα & Δημοκρατία
Greece’s major newspaper TO ΒΗΜΑ TΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗΣ included on 27 November 2022 an impressive story on the occasion of the publication of the edited volume titled Smart Parliaments: Data-Driven Parliament (Brussels: European Liberal Forum) by the Hellenic OCR Team....
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Dec 20, 2022 | Announcement, Hellenic OCR Team, Media, Parliaments, Technology, Uncategorized
The Hellenic OCR Team is incredibly proud to announce the publication of its first collective authoring effort titled Smart Parliament: Data-driven Democracy. The book is jointly edited by the Team’s co-founders, Fotis Fitsilis and George Mikros. The book is...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Dec 20, 2022 | Hellenic OCR Team, Parliaments, Technology, Uncategorized
The Hellenic OCR Team supported the organization and implementation of the 2022 LegisTech Forum, which took place on 12-16 September 2022. The Forum was put together by our long-time partner Bússola Tech. The LegisTech Forum is one of the most relevant conferences...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Dec 20, 2022 | Hellenic OCR Team, Media, Parliaments, Technology, Uncategorized
On 31 August 2022 the Hellenic OCR Team organized jointly with The Open Government Institute of Zeppelin Universität, a special workshop for the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina to collect empirical evidence for the future institutional use of Artificial...
by Δρ Φώτης Φυτσιλής | Dec 20, 2022 | Announcement, Hellenic OCR Team, Media, Parliaments, Uncategorized
The Hellenic OCR Team was represented by four of its members at the prestigious Wroxton Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians (15th edition, 30-31 July 2022, Wroxton, UK). The four members were: Dr. Fotis Fitsilis; Prof. Cincunegui Juan de Dios;...